Toys that appear in dreams are very often natural children. Most children have dreams about gifts with toys, and they want to fulfill their wishes. Meanwhile, adults can also have thoughts of this kind. In certain periods such as birthdays or Christmas celebrations, you can have this kind of dream. Toys that appear in your sleep reveal your childhood.
Dreams about toys can also have different meanings. In some cases, this is because you want to go back in time, as a child, you feel delighted. It is your desire for nostalgia. Dreaming toys also shows how you see yourself in childhood. Even so, if this is not your case, then you need to find another interpretation similar to your dream. For that, you should read the following other examples to get a more precise interpretation. Here are some dream meanings about toys in your sleep:
What does it mean to dream about toys?
If you see a toy in your sleep, this dream signifies that you will make a sacrifice. You or your family members will change everyone’s life. This dream also shows the presence of new people in your family. You will adjust your life to the needs of your family and ignore many of the activities you previously enjoyed.
When you buy a toy, this dream signifies that you are worried. If you are a parent, you may not be able to make your child obey you. You realize that children are in a sensitive period and they need patience from parents. Even so, you often fail to control yourself.
When you sell toys, this dream shows that you will mature early. You have gone ahead of your friends, and you are also accustomed to work and learn to be independent. Your parents and your experience have helped you become someone who is independent and does not expect help from others.
When you’re playing with a toy, this dream signifies that you do not want to grow up. You may have the fear to grow into adulthood; besides, you also have no desire. You feel that you are not ready to be caught in severe problems. You prefer to escape from reality to make you feel more comfortable.
When you lose your favorite toy, this dream shows a terrible event. If you just lost your loved ones, you can have this kind of dream. Something very precious to you has been lost, and you feel very emotional.
When you see children playing with their toys, this dream signifies that you will hear the news of marriage or the good news among the people who live with you.
When you put your toys on a shelf or toy box, this dream shows you the personality aspect. You can classify everything neatly; you can plan something correctly. On the other hand, this dream also indicates that you do not have the burden that gives you a headache.
Broken toy indicate an adverse event. Have you just broken a relationship with a friend? Do you have a problem with your spouse or co-worker? If your toy is a doll, then you may need to follow the dream of a broken doll. The broken toy also represent sickness, sorrow, and disappointment.
The other dreams mean
- The toys you give to others symbolize your good deeds to others.
- Someone who plays with a toy shows that you are trying to get a lesson from the wrong thing you went through.
- Broken toys show difficult times, and you will try to overcome them in the best way possible.
- Many toys around you show that your childhood was not happy.
- Sex toys show that you are not satisfied with your life.
- The toys you destroy show that you have little happiness.
- A person who damages a toy shows that you will suffer great sadness.
- The toy snake shows someone who will take your happiness.
- If you have many toys, this symbolizes joy in your family.
- The dirty toy says that someone you love will die.
- When you play the rope, it indicates that you are not sure.
- Opening the toy box shows you many things to do.
- Many toys in the box show that you are not satisfied with a little time to do the things you want.
In general, dreaming with toys is a good sign because it symbolizes the joy with the family. On the other hand, the old toys can represent a warning to you about insecurity. This type of toy can also determine you to get a conclusion. You should remember all the events that occur in your dreams. Also, you must also analyze the cause of this dream. Do you want to go back to childhood?
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