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Shattered glass has several meanings in bed. The most frequent thing that glass represents in a dream is a change and a new experience in your life. When you break the glass accidentally, you may feel fear and guilt. You may not be able to return it to its original condition. Even broken glass can hurt you and leave wounds.
In this life, you must have broken glass. Do you remember that you ever dropped a glass or a plate? In other cases, you can break the glass because of your feelings of anger. Like in a soap opera, when someone is upset maybe he will punch the glass until it snaps into pieces. Husband and wife who fight may also be throwing stuff, and flying saucer will appear in the house.
In the dream world, what is the role of the subconscious in this message? What does it mean to break something? In some contexts, the dream expert says that something that is damaged shows difficult times. You must walk with caution because unexpected changes can bring dire consequences. Dream of breaking things also demonstrate that you discontinue your old habits and to start a new phase in your life.
As before, dream interpretation comes from a very personal perspective. That is why you need to remember the incident in your sleep in detail. Therefore, you need to read other interpretations in other contexts.
What does it mean to dream of breaking the glass?
1. When you break glass or anything related to fragile, this dream usually makes you shock and sad. This picture can show your hidden feelings of guilt or a shocking event that will cause losses very quickly.
2. When you see broken glass, this dream symbolizes your wrong perspective. You may have misjudged others. Now you have to concentrate on knowing more by looking at yourself in the mirror.
3. When you break a drinking glass, this dream is a sign that you get rid of old prejudices and open new experiences without you being afraid of things you do not know. You will change your perceptions for the better.
4. When you step on the cracked glass floor, this dream signifies that you are in a period where you have steps that sometimes cause problems. You need to be more careful about what you say and how you say it.
5. When you see broken glass in a dream, this picture signifies that you are trying to change your way of life. It is time to change your life direction and purpose.
6. When you break the mirror in real life, you assume that a broken mirror is a sign of misfortune. Meanwhile, in a dream world, these events show that you are not happy with the actions that you have done lately. You want to change something that makes you unhappy with yourself.
7. People who are experiencing severe economic times tend to dream that they break valuables such as telephones, televisions, desks. If you are a person full of resentment and envy, you can also imagine of cracking other people’s belongings deliberately. You should try to control the negative aspects of yourself.
This interpretation is only a fraction of the glass breaks in the dream. You can leave a comment about how the vision that you have.
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