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Divorce is synonymous with the term separation. Divorce means separating the two-person married. This picture is usually related to insecurity, lack of communication, and general disillusionment. However, many people will ask, why do I dream of divorce?
In the dream world, it has different interpretations depending on the context and situation, even your age also affects. Logically, divorce will not have the same meaning for children and adults who are married. Therefore, you must analyze the dream to know its true meaning.
When divorce occurs in children, this is usually a nightmare. While sleeping, children suffer and see their parents split up. The child may have misinterpreted an argument between their parents or has heard some conversations from a friend where the parent is in the process of divorce. They want their parents to live together and not support the idea of separation.
When you are married, and you want to divorce your spouse, this dream is a notice from your subconscious. You should seriously consider how your relationship is. There is always a way out for both of you to get rid of in the divorce process.
The above are some of the rational reasons why divorce arises in your sleep. However, if the above things are not related to your current condition, you should continue to follow the interpretation below. Dreaming divorce may not necessarily be compared to a loss of love, but it can be connected to external factors. Here’s the meaning of divorce in a dream:
What does it mean to dream of divorce?
> When you get divorced, this dream symbolizes that you feel people are violating you, primarily by family members. You are in a difficult time, and you are more vulnerable than usual. Dreaming farewell also refers to the need to set priorities in your life.
> When you see another person’s divorce, this dream signifies that you know some real cases where people close to you are in the process of divorce. It raises the fear that the same thing happens to your marriage.
> When your partner divorces you, this dream signifies that you can not meet your needs. It is normal for you to compare yourself with others and find thousands of flaws in you.
> When you divorce your spouse, this dream shows that you are not comfortable with your relationship. You feel that what you offer more than what others give. You lack affection, and if you do not take care of your marriage, then betrayal or infidelity will come to your favor.
> When you are still in the process of divorce, this dream signals that you will be a supporter of some people in your neighborhood who are having a tough time with their spouses. You must support and listen to other people’s concerns with attention.
Dreaming a divorce is a fairly common dream, especially if you are experiencing significant changes in your life such as moving jobs, moving houses, or new things in your life. As you can see, dreaming of divorce brings different meanings, but you must always remember the context of your dreams to get the proper interpretation.
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